Lesson 1: Module C | Core Values
Coaches Core Values
Embrace and drive change - strive to always be learning, to continue to progress each and every day. To put in the work needed and to help others do the same.
Lead by example - be the change you want to see
Always do the right thing - In every scenario there is a “more right” thing to do. Choose that even when it's not easy
Honesty / transparency
Honesty / transparency: minimize the bullshit
Pursue meaningful work: work with people I respect on projects/initiatives that drive positive changes. I believe we can still build enough wealth to be happy while doing this.
Empathy: grass ain’t always greener on the other side, put yourself in other’s shoes, etc.
Family first: career decisions ultimately come down to: will this put me in a position to be a better father/husband? It’s ok to work hard and make sacrifices in pursuit of meaningful work, but not at the long term expense of my relationship with Jamie and and my kids
create professional boundaries. I am there to help people get the most out of their training and provide support through the process. I am not a trained therapist.
Challenge clients to grow: encourage them to embrace the struggle/embrace the process, it’ll help them learn.
Create independence: create habits that will stick with clients outside of gym time/when I’m no longer their coach.
Always be listening and remember what you’re told.
Ryan V:
Always be honest, even if it isn’t the easy thing to do.
Be empathetic - you should always strive to meet people where they are and see the world from their perspective
Work hard - most things in life that are worth it do not come quickly or easily, and you have to be willing to put in the hard work to make these things happen. This pertains to relationships, business, personal health etc
Always try to grow - whether this means learning new skills as a coach, how to better communicate with people, or how to be a better husband/brother/son etc, you should always strive to grow and better yourself
Be an ambassador - whether its to the weight room or just into the health and fitness realm
Create long-lasting positive impact - this includes driving client autonomy
Constantly pursue knowledge and creative outlets
Invest in the community that you build - health and fitness are multifactorial, creating a network that can connect variables is going to create a better client experience
Mike V:
Humbleness - Just because I carry a certain title it doesn’t make me any better than anyone else or that my learning has stopped (never will)
Reliable - I want others to feel like they can rely on me when needed and that I am not someone who will just “flake”. Not only that but as a friend, coach, clinician that I’m being consistent in my level of effort
Empowering - Ultimately I want to provide others with the tools they need to essentially render myself useless
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Discussion Questions
We introduced two topics today that we will be revisiting in a few weeks. Core Values and Strengths and Weaknesses.
I would like you all to start thinking about these things and paying attention to them over the next few weeks as we lay the groundwork for this course.
Discuss the process you used to come up with your core values
Share what you feel is your biggest strength and how you can harness it to move your business forward. Share what you feel your biggest weakness in and what you can do to improve in that area.
What are some ways you have seen negative advertising manifest in clients concerns
What do you currently do to make sure the information you are providing is as efficacious as possible?