Lift for Change

Women-Only Mock Meet
Supporting Women in Sport and Science
May 17th | Resilient Training Lab

Join us as we celebrate strong women at the mock powerlifting meet on May 17th at Resilient Training Lab. Proceeds from entry and spectator sales will be donated to the Women’s Sports Foundation.

”The Women’s Sports Foundation was established in 1974 to advance the lives of women and girls through sports and physical activity. Our mission is to enable all girls and women to reach their potential in sports and life. We provide financial fuel to aspiring champion athletes. We fund groundbreaking research. We educate. We advocate. And we help communities get girls active.”

What is a mock meet?
A mock meet is a no-stress powerlifting meet where competitors will have 9 attempts to complete a squat, bench, and deadlift to the best of their ability. No singlets, referees, or commands are required. This can be a great opportunity for new lifters (or nervous lifters) to get an idea of what competing is like, without all of the stress of a sanctioned meet day.

Lifter meeting and warm-ups starting at 8 AM
Lifting starts at 9 AM and will last till around noon.

We will be having unofficial referees, spotters and loaders, a comp rack with a typical power bar or bella bar as requested for squats and bench, and a deadlift bar for deadlifts. No singlets, weigh-ins, or lifting costumes are required, just long socks for deadlifts. Fun costumes are encouraged.

Entry fee is $50 for all lifters, which includes a t-shirt and a donation.

Thank you to our co-hosts!