Posts in lifting
The Number One Key to Success

With so much information about health and fitness circulating the internet it is easy to get sucked down a rabbit hole and learn all this cool information. Sometimes it even seems overwhelming, “how am I supposed to ever learn and apply all this information?” The good thing is at the end of the day there is one factor that can make any program work. You can have the most perfect program but without this one thing you won’t see any progress. At the same time, you could have the worst program ever and with this one thing you can make that program successful. So, what is this big secret to success and if it is really just one thing why aren’t more people successful?

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Lifting Weights Is Just Lifting Weights, Right? Wrong!

o an untrained eye, everyone in a gym is working out and performing some familiar movements. You can recognize those around you are doing squats, deadlifts, planks, etc, but have you ever considered that the way in which those exercises are being done will influence the results of the person doing the exercise?

I’m going to break down two physical qualities that we can train in the gym, and, if you’re feeling uninspired by your program, perhaps it’s time to train for a different goal.

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