Weekly Recap 7/12-7/18/2020

Here we have your weekly recap! We switched it up a little bit by adding a podcast recommendation into the mix. We start things off with an article about dependency written by Claire Zai. That article is followed by an episode of Rebel Performance Radio and two Instagram posts. Let us know what you think of these recommendations this week!

Article of the Week

Dependency by Claire Zai of Bullzai Strength

Claire Zai hits the nail on the head with this article and reiterates what we believe that Resilient Training Lab. Don’t get caught up in the gimmicks being sold on the internet. Those are out there to make money and get you to depend on their product to “help” you get results or improve your recovery. At the end of the day, it will always come down to following a personalized program that includes the proper volume and load for you to get the results you are after, getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and eating your protein and vegetables. If anyone is trying to sell you anything more, they are just after your money and selling you a false narrative. Focus on the big rocks that are going to benefit you the most and cost you the least time and money.

Podcast of the Week

Rebel Performance Radio- Episode 28- Dr. Mike Israetel

Dr. Mike Israetel is the owner of Renaissance Periodization and has his PhD in Sports Psychology. In this episode, they discuss Mike’s background, how and why he got involved with the fitness industry, and the research he did for his discertation. They go on to to talk about willpower, setting realistic expectations, the relationship between coaches and athletes. And don’t miss the end where Mike lists some great resources to check out.

Instagram Posts of the Week

Semaj Hunter of Where You Fit talks about creating an environment that is going to support your goals. This can apply to your training, nutrition, home life, etc. Surround yourself with people that are going to support and encourage you. If you find yourself surrounded by people that are constantly deterring you from your plans and goals by saying its okay to skip the gym for a few day, have a few beers each night, or binge over the weekends, then it is going to be nearly impossible to reach your health and fitness goals. Find people that are going to reach out to you about meeting at the gym for your next session and helps to keep you accountable. Other things that can help you create an environment that will help you reach your goals are meal prepping 1-2 proteins and 2-3 vegetables to have on hand so you aren’t left scrambling for food, getting your workout clothes ready the night before or that beginning of the week, and scheduling your workout sessions at the beginning of the week. Try to make things require as little thought and effort as possible so it is easiest to stick to the plan and achieve your goals.

Kim Schlag reminds us to keep context in mind when it comes to your nutrition and making food choices. No one food item is inherently bad. Focus on consistently eating minimally processed foods with high nutritional value most of the time. You can absolutely sprinkle in foods that are less nutritious when your overall diet consists of proteins, vegetables, fiber and healthy fats. Eating an overall healthy diet doesn’t have to be miserable and doesn’t mean that you can only eat chicken and broccoli for the rest of your life. It actually means the opposite. When you eat well most of the time, you can then have the flexibility to have those “fun” foods on occasion. So focus on eating your proteins, veggies, healthy fats and then go enjoy that pizza, doughnut, ice cream, etc. when you want it!

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