Weekly Recap 6/7-6/13/2020

It is time for our weekly recap! This week we have gathered 2 articles, another Instagram post from Coaches Creating Change, and another Youtube video from Ryan Doris. One of the articles of the week is from Chrissy King and is about finding your voice while the second article is written by Kamal Patel at Examine.com and covers inequalities and public health issues. Make sure to check out the post from Coaches Creating Change and follow them on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the work they are doing to help educate coaches about racism. We close out the recap with a longer video from Ryan Doris and Dr. Klemczewski, in which they discuss racism in America. Keep reading for more information about all of these resources.

Articles of the Week

What Does It Mean to “Find Your Voice”? by Chrissy King

This is a very useful article written by Chrissy King. She covers everything you need to know about finding and using your voice. Sharing our thoughts and beliefs can be scary, but it is no excuse to stay silent. You have a voice and you should be using it, especially in a time when the world needs it. As Chrissy wrote, “The days of silently sitting by the sidelines are over. Now, more than ever, the world needs us to show up, to put our privilege on the line, and to use our voices to spread awareness.” I highly recommend that everyone give this article a read and make sure to follow Chrissy on Instagram (@iamchrissyking) as well.

Inequality is a public health issue: 10 examples by Kamal Patel

Kamal Patel delves into the public health issues that stem from inequalities. Some of the examples that are given in this article are minorities are under-represented in clinical trials, black and Latino minorities face “greater financial barriers to healthcare, higher rates of risk factors such as obesity, binge drinking, and depression, and less insurance coverage for families and infants,” and water quality violations are more common in low income areas with higher percentages of minorities. This article is very eye-opening to how multifaceted the problem of racism is in America and it really only gives a brief summary of each of the 10 examples. As Patel mentions at the end of the article, he only skims the surface of the public heath issues and there is much more to unpack here. If any subcategory interests you more, there are links to the resources at the bottom of the article.

Instagram Post of the Week

We are loving the work that Coaches Creating Change is doing to help educate white people and non-POC. Over the next few weeks, they will be focusing on black history so all of us have a better understanding of the roots of the racial injustices that are present in today’s society. The overwhelming majority of Americans were most likely taught surface level information about black history in school. We need to know more and educate ourselves more in order to better understand the issues and to find solutions to systematic racism.

Youtube Video of the Week

We have another video from Ryan Doris. He sits down with Dr. Klemczewski to talk about racism in America. including the history of racial inequalities and how it is a systemic issue that revolves around power and culture. I know this is a longer video but we really enjoyed listening to this conversation and learned a lot from the words of Ryan.

Paul Milano