Weekly Recap 4/26-5/2/2020

Another week of quarantine has come and gone. Since I am sure most of us are tired of hearing everything coronavirus related and reading articles and social media posts all about home workouts and staying motivated to do bodyweight workouts, we decided to take a break from it all and find different subject topics for the weekly recap. This week’s recap covers topics from deadlifts, the work done behind the scenes, priorities, and muscle mass. We hope you enjoy the wider variety of topics and continue reading the get all of the details.

Articles of the Week

Are Deadlifts Dangerous? Written by Chris Tiley at Never Too Old to Lift

The title of this article is a question that we hear all of the time from new clients. Many people often have a fear of performing deadlifts because they are afraid they are going to hurt their backs or cause damage to their spines. This article covers everything you need to know about why deadlifts are not dangerous, why proper load management is crucial in order to avoid injuries, and the benefits to performing deadlifts. As the article mentions, the benefits to performing deadlifts far outweigh any of the risks. Building a stronger back allows you withstand more stress placed on it and helps you become a more resilient person. This is something that Resilient Training Lab preaches and is why anyone that trains at RTL will see some type of deadlift variation in all of their programs.

Unseen Details Written by Brett Bartholomew

Brett Bartholomew shares with us something that I am sure the overwhelming majority of us have felt at some point in our lives, especially with the prevalence of social media right now. Social media is a highlight reel that often only shows the end result or the triumph of all of our hard work. What is often not shown are the fails that it takes to get there, the long hours worked, the crappy days where you just wanted to quit, etc. And while you can choose to share the not-so-good or perfect parts of the process, you also don’t have to just to validate yourself and your work. You know the work you have put in and the journey it took to get you to where you are. Click to read this article to hear what Brett has to say about these “unseen details.”

Social Media Posts of the Week

The first Instagram post is from Subject Zero Supplements (@subjectzero_supps). Remember that if something is a goal or priority then you need take actionable steps to get there. You can drag your feet saying that working out or eating well is important to you, but if you skip the gym more often than you go or are constantly relying on takeout or snacks because you failed to plan your meals, then you can’t say that it is a priority. The next time you want to make some type of change, make a plan, take action, and stick to it.


“Happy Monday everyone! Remember, action takes precedence when it comes to changing a habit or achieving a goal. #subjectzero #informedperformance #motivationmonday #supplementsthatwork”

And the second Instagram post comes from Physio Meets Science (@physiomeetsscience). We all know muscle looks cools and makes you look good, but are you aware of all of the other benefits? Physio Meets Science offers an awesome image that lists some of the health-related benefits to having more muscle mass. If you weren’t convinced of the benefits of strength training and increasing muscle mass before now, you should be after look at this image and taking a closer look at the article post with it.

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“Low muscle mass is not simply an aesthetic problem, but an important factor in morbidity and mortality in different populations.

The following graph summarizes the results of a narrative review of the health-related effects of low muscle mass on different patient groups.

Conclusion: Mass matters  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30169116 ----------------------------------------------------------- #physiomeetsscience #physioneedscience #physiotherapie #physio #medizinstudium #pt #physiostudent #medizin #medizinstudent #sportphysio #orthopädie #ergotherapie #medicine #schmerzen #occupationaltherapy #fitness #fitnesscoach #dshs #rehabilitation #recovery #physicanassistant #prehab #injury #injuryprevention #rehabilitation #gesundheit #physiolife #reha #rehab #arzt”

Paul Milano