Weekly Recap 3/22- 3/28/2020

It should be no surprise that this week’s weekly recap theme is the quarantine and home workouts. We are all going through this time together. We gathered 2 awesome articles about getting the most out of your home workouts. With that being our only option at the moment, we should all be making the best of it and try to get everything we can out of them. It is also another week with 2 Instagram posts. Instagram has been filled with some great content during this quarantine so we wanted to show extra love to posts from there. Keep reading for some great home workout and quarantine information and tips.

Articles of the Week

How-to Workout at Home by Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum of Barbell Medicine

Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum breaks down everything you need to know about working out at home. Since we are all stuck at home right now, many people may find that they have the time to start working out. With only 10-20% of Americans meeting the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines, we can all do better when it comes to exercising. Dr. Feigenbaum goes over the basics of starting a home workout program. He covers choosing exercises, increasing and decreasing the difficulty of exercises to maintain appropriate RPE, progressing exercises, and performing LISS and HIIT conditioning. This is an especially useful article for those beginning to exercise, but also includes some helpful information for intermediate lifters that are stuck working out at home with little or no equipment during this time.

5 Steps to Making the Most of Training at Home: The Strength Athlete’s Complete Guide by Rebel Performance

Rebel Performance wrote a solid article about making the most out of your at-home training. With no gyms being open and many lifters having little to no equipment at home, everyone is freaking out about losing all of their gainz during this quarantine. While we don’t suggest sitting on your butt for the next 2-4 weeks, we will also reassure you that you can maintain most of your performance if you continue to workout at home with what you have. This article goes over 5 ways that you can maintain your muscle mass, aerobic work capacity, and power while you are working out at home. If you follow these 5 steps, you will be in a great position when you finally get to return to the gym.

Social Media Posts of the Week

Our first Instagram post is from Dr. Ellie Sommers (@drelliesomers). She wants everyone to know that their are no unsafe, wrong, hurtful postures that you could be utilizing. When at home whether working or relaxing, sit or stand however you please. Don’t listen to anybody out there that is trying to scare you or make you freak out about not sitting “properly.” Enjoy your comfy chair or couch however you want during this quarantine and always.

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Enjoy your body in all the ways you live in it.

This shit is safe and feels damn good too.

Time to silence the posture police 👮‍♀️ 🚔!!!!

Quarantine is hard enough without some physical therapist telling you that you need to set up your at-home work station in a “better” way 🙄. The best way, is YOUR way.

#iamsisu #sisuseattle #posture #quarantine #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #spine #spinehealth #strongspine

Our second Instagram post is a great reminder from Kiefer Lammi (@kieferlammi). I know many of us are stressed and overwhelmed during this quarantine. There is a lot going on and many unknowns. Many ofare also freaking out about what to do with no access to the gym and little or no equipment to use at home to workout with. Kiefer reminds us that while fitness might be an important part of our lives, it isn’t the only important thing in our lives. Remember the little things. remember the important things. And try this new kind of AMRAP that we could all use a little bit more of right now.

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Times are strange, but let’s not forget the little things.
Fitness is cool and all, but at the end of the day there are many other important things in our world right now.
#strongerbydesign #sxd #sxdwod #homeworkout #athomeworkout #bodyweightworkout #coronavirusworkout #covid19workout

Paul Milano