We have equipment for a variety of sports and styles of training!
With over 12,000sq feet in a temperature-controlled space, we have everything to fit your workout needs.
SSB, Camber, Axle and Buffalo Bars
Regular and Cambered Neutral Grip Bar
Dip and Landmine Attachments
Lat Pulldown and Seated Cable Row
Hamstring Curl and Quad Extension Machine
Functional Trainer with all the attachments
Single/Double Leg Press
Belt Squat
Dumbells up to 150 lbs.
Medicine Balls from 4 - 100 lbs.
Fat Pad Bench
Echo and Concept2 Bikes
Assault Air Runner and traditional Treadmills
Soft and Wooden Plyoboxes
Glute Ham Raise
Prime Fitness Extreme Row
Prime Fitness Hip Abduction and Adduction Machine
and much more!
26 Power Racks
Competition Combo Rack
Bumper, Metal, and Kilo Plates
45lb and 35lb barbells
9 Deadlift and Oly Platforms
Deadlift and Squat bars
Olympic Weightlifting Bars
Kettlebells up to 124 lbs.
140 feet of turf
Wall Ball Targets
Concept 2 Rowers and Skiergs
Jerk Boxes
Yoke, Sandbags, and Log
Chalk Bowls
Assorted Bands and Chains
Prime Fitness Incline Press