When The Numbers Stop Going Up

We like numbers. They help us make sense of the world. We especially like when numbers go up. They’re a clear indication that change is occurring, progress is being made, weight is being put on the bar…

So what happens when that slows down and ultimately stops for a period of time?

Some of our RTL clients have been experiencing an overwhelming feeling that they aren’t making progress fast enough - that the gains that were happening from week to week are now happening block to block or perhaps not visibly at all. So what now? Throw the whole program out the window? Quit? You’ve peaked?

First, we’re here to tell you that it’s okay. That this is, in fact, part of the process.

This is the hard part. As clients get stronger, lifting does, in fact, get harder from all aspects. As you grow, you shoulder new technical demands and mental requirements that make you face uncharted territory. Your recovery windows demand more. Your nutrition demands more.

Not to mention the mental aspects. If a large part of your identity or your happiness is tied to how your training session plays out, you may struggle when a few bad training sessions turn into a bad training block or when it seems like the majority of your sessions are less than stellar.

So, what do we do about it? What happens when we can’t rely on the numbers as markers of progress?
We keep showing up. We recognize that progress is not always represented by the weight on the bar. We embrace the process. We find other little wins.

So, what does that look like?

Is the weight moving faster?
Do your sets feel easier?
Are you more confident about a movement?
Do you have a better approach to lifting a fear weight?
Can you do the same set with less rest?
Can you lift the same weight but at a different bodyweight?
Do you have a better response when a training session doesn’t go the way you planned?
Does a bad session not ruin your whole outlook or whole day?
Are you able to be more consistent during the week?
Are you finding more enjoyment in exercises outside the main lifts?
Are you enjoying the process?
Are you beginning to learn more about the process?
Are you still showing up?

And those are just a few to start with.

At the end of the day lifting isn’t linear. Our bodies change. Our goals change. The best thing that you can do is find comfort and enjoyment in the overall process, chances are that will do more for your numbers than worrying ever will.

Clare Michalak