Weekly Recap 11/10-11/16

Here’s what we are reading, watching, and liking.

The article of the week is Supplement Regulation: Are Dietary Supplements Unregulated? from Stronger By Science

The video of the week is from Jeff Nipard asking the question, How can we get really jacked and strong at the same time? A lot of people seem to think you can’t, (or you shouldn’t) because how you should train to get strong is supposedly very different from how you should train to get big. But he doesn’t quite agree with this.

Our first social media post of the week is from Dr. Jordan from Barbell Medicine discussing about the coach and client relationship and how, ideally, a coach and individual will come up with a shared plan to explore different approaches to find out what works. Our second is from Nick Hannah on how it can be helpful to think of flare ups as being in a traffic jam.

Article of the Week

Supplement Regulation: Are Dietary Supplements Unregulated?

In some circles, dietary supplements have acquired a bad reputation. It’s not necessarily undeserved; it’s easy to find articles about companies spiking products with dangerous or illegal ingredients, cutting corners to make cheaper (and less effective) products, and facing lawsuits – or even jail time – for a wide variety of improprieties. This reputation has led to a widespread belief that dietary supplements are entirely unregulated. In some cases, this belief has even been expressed by fairly reputable practitioners and authors in articles on major publishing platforms. Such statements about the supplement industry conjure imagery of a lawless hellscape from an old Western movie, packed full of unscrupulous characters. So, what is the state of supplement regulation in the U.S., and exactly how accurate is this portrayal?

The short answer is: not very. And it’s getting less and less accurate as the industry matures.

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Video of the Week

Instagram Posts of The Week

Paul Milano