Weekly Recap 9/7 - 9/14

Back to our weekly recap of what we are reading, watching, and liking.

The article of the week is all about tendinopathy and a lot of the confusion surrounding it. The video of the week is a new video with several breakfast ideas that are easy to prep (and look delicious).

Our first social media post of the week is Nick Hannah’s post about just starting, especially for those who may be suffering from analysis paralysis when it comes to programming and rehab. To conclude, we have a post from The Depression Project with a few reminders for suicide awareness month in regards to the stigma around men’s mental health.

Article of the Week

The Barbell Medicine Guide To Tendonopathy.

Have you ever been told you have “tendonitis,” golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, or jumper’s knee? Tendonitis is a common concern among those who engage in physical activity and sports. However, both the diagnosis and the usual advice for management are often confusing and leave folks struggling to return to their desired activities.

If you’ve been in this situation it is important to understand what’s going on and how to work through the issue towards your goals. In this article we aim to provide clarity on the topic and introduce a practical approach for management.

What are tendons?

Tendons are a form of connective tissue that serve to attach muscle and bone. They contain living cells called tenocytes, which synthesize a complex matrix full of collagen proteins and other components.

Tendons absorb and transmit force between muscles and bones in order to facilitate movement at a joint. This helps us move our bodies and apply force to an external resistance like a loaded barbell.

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Video of the Week

Instagram Posts of The Week

Paul Milano