The Resilient Training Podcast: Episode 22

Today's guest is Matt Domney from Compound Performance. Ryan, Paul, and Matt talk all things coaching in this episode & cover a ton of great information that all coaches should hear. They start off talking about training philosophies and how there are too many coaches that find themselves married to one type of training. While the majority of the time there isn't inherently wrong with any one training method, it becomes problematic when coaches become die hards for one specific method. Taking a bird's eye view of all the philosophies will make you a better, more versatile coach that can serve their clients the best. They talk about the common issues they see when coaching beginner and intermediate lifters, the importance of putting effort into your lifts, and simplifying your coaching. At the end of the day, getting your lifters to make progress and lift more weight is what matters. Worrying about what muscle is doing what and ensuring that you have enough internal or external rotation of this an that in order to do certain movements doesn't matter and is hindering progress at the end of the day. Their conversation is important for all coaches, beginner and experienced to listen to. Click to listen!

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Paul Milano