The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 20

This week OG Ryan gets to be the guest on the podcast as we continue the "Get to Know Your Coaches" series. Ryan tells us all about his life growing up, playing baseball,  discovering strength training in high school, going to UCONN for kinesiology, his first few jobs as a coach, and finally how he joined forces with Paul at Resilient Training Lab. Ryan's training philosophies have evolved over the years and his beliefs and perceptions revolved around training have also changed since first setting foot in the gym as a high school. He was lucky to have some awesome mentors, such as Mike Mez and Dr. Kramer, from the start. Due to what he learned from those mentors and through his own experiences, he was able to recognize when his first jobs as a coach weren't allowing him to do what he believed in and felt passionate about. He wanted to help people, improve their health, make them stronger, and get more people training more often. This is when he decided to go on his own at Revolution Fitness Clubs which then led to meeting Paul and joining Resilient Training Labs. To hear all of the details, click to listen!

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Paul Milano