Majoring In The Minors

After finishing up our majoring in the minors podcast series it got me thinking. People spend an inordinate amount of time and money chasing things to give them an edge in the weight room or the playing field. The supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry and every day it seems a new product comes out intended to give you some sort of edge over your opponent. 

Coaches spend hours reading and applying far fetched theories and training philosophy trying to find the “next big thing” or the “magic ingredient” to success. 

You have people obsessing over all sorts of obscure things from how much added sugar they are consuming to the amount of plastic they come in contact with. 

People spend countless hours, countless dollars, and an immeasurable amount of effort chasing things that may or may not give them an advantage and even if i a very small one at best. We are talking fractions of a percentage difference here. 

Yet when it comes to things that make a huge difference and have been shown over and over again to have the biggest impact they don’t want to put in the effort. No, the basics aren’t sexy but they work and give you the biggest return on your investment. I can guarantee you everyone reading this post can take steps to improve their sleep, nutrition, stress management, consistency and effort. 

I promise if you took all that money you just spent on this months supplement stack on a coach you’d see more progress 

I promise if you spent the time you do foam rolling, mobilizing, romWODing or whatever else setting a pre bed routine you’d see more progress. 

I promise if you took the effort and time you put into trying to find the next best training program and put it into the one you are currently doing you’ll see more progress. 

People are out here chasing all these  fads, gimmicks, and advanced methods when they haven’t even mastered the basics. 

Spend time perfecting the basics and stop wasting time chasing the 1% and I promise you’ll see more progress.

And if you think you have the basics perfected and you don’t make a living playing your sport that you are just lying to yourself. There is always room to get better at the basics! 

And just getting a little better at the basics is going to go a lot further then any magic supplement or training method. 

I once had an athlete tell me he didn’t need to read about sleep and recovery because the information was “too basic” and he was “more advanced than that” and I knew he wouldn’t get very far. 

Once you feel you’ve out grown the basics your destined to crash and burn. 

Paul Milano