3 Holiday Reminders

There are a couple more weeks of the 2020 holiday season, so let’s hope there aren’t more surprises in store for us. This can be a stressful time of year for many, so I’m here to remind you of three things. 

  1. You can enjoy a special meal without ruining your progress

  2. You can adjust your training schedule without losing progress

  3. You don’t have to be perfect on January 1st 2021

You can enjoy a special meal without ruining your progress

If you eat 3 meals a day for the month of December, you’ll eat 93 meals. On a broader scale, that’s 1,098 meals in all of 2020 (yes, I included February 29th in my math.) With everything that 2020 has had to throw at us, making a special dish that puts you in the holiday spirit will not derail your progress and render all of your effort thus far worthless. Making your family’s cookie recipe will not derail your progress. Give yourself permission to indulge a few more times before this year is over. 

You can adjust your training schedule without losing progress

Most people I talk to feel the need to start day 1 of their training week on Monday, regardless of how the previous week went or what’s in store for the current week. If this holiday season has you busy, you can ask your coach to adjust your training program to have one less training day, or slightly shorter workouts. A benefit of having a coach is that they can help you make progress regardless of how much time you can commit to the gym. The most important aspect of training is that it happens, so don’t beat yourself up if you need to change when it happens. 

You don’t have to be perfect on January 1st 2021

We all have goals to get better, regardless of where we are at the moment. With a new year approaching, we can feel pressure to implement new behaviors and be 100% compliant. Just because the calendar changes, doesn’t mean our life is any different. As long as we’re getting 1% better each day, over the course of the year that adds up. Don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself to make drastic behavior change from one day to the next, instead focus on slow and steady improvement. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and enjoys the remainder of what’s left of a year that nobody planned for. Thank you to everyone for supporting me and the Resilient Training Lab crew, I look forward to seeing all of you in 2021!

Ryan Kalkowski